We put five of the leading brands of septic / sewage tank air blowers (at the popular 100 litres per minute capacity) through lab testing to see which comes out on top
We have put together a couple of energy cost calculators to help you keep control of your electricity costs
We test the leading air pumps (at the popular 80 litres per minute level) to see how their energy efficiency compares
The noise from your air pump is important to factor in – we test the sound levels from a number of manufacturer air compressors to see how they stack up in the real world
Air pumps (“blowers”) generally use a low amount of power, however do so almost continuously through the year – and the cost can add up.
Make sure yours is properly rated with this helpful checklist
Many people who live in rural areas will be familiar with septic tanks, especially in remoter countryside locales. Septic tanks are an alternative to the urban sewer system, acting as a repository for the collection of wastewater and sewage. These systems will make sure that waste is collected and broken down through the action of […]
MPC Services works with domestic and commercial customers to keep their waste water systems running properly. The obvious benefits include proper operation, reduced risk of failure, and controlling your long term costs. For properties with off-grid sewage handling, whether septic tanks or active treatment plants, customers work with us to meet environmental compliance requirements. Done […]
When it comes to what you can and should flush down any toilet, the list is actually very small. All toilets are designed to take your organic waste (stools and urine); you should be able to flush down unused soft food like soup or porridge; some can handle toilet paper (all on mains drainage should) […]
When considering the purchase of a house with a septic tank, it is wise to read up on just what it will mean for you. There is no need to be afraid, but rather a necessity to be well informed so that you don’t accidentally breach the rules and regulations. The rules are in place […]