Cleaning Products To Use When You Have a Septic Tank

Surprisingly, septic tanks work due to naturally occurring bacteria.

It’s this very bacterium that thrives on the impurities in waste water and it’s important not to upset the natural balance of the bacteria in your septic tank to avoid any issues. Unfortunately, this can be easily done through simple household cleaning.

In most homes, we don’t think twice about putting pure bleach down our plugholes or even flushing away various materials down the toilet. This laissez-faire approach can’t be taken when you have a septic tank, as strong domestic cleaners can affect the operational efficiency of your drainage and/or septic tank which may lead to unnecessary expense to reinstate your sewage system back to its correct working condition.

If your home has a septic tank, it is absolutely imperative that you use the correct cleaning products to avoid any unnecessary damage and costly repairs.

We have put together a list of professional recommendations below to ensure that you choose the correct cleaning products and methods that are septic tank friendly.

Septic Safe Labels

Good news! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gives each dangerous chemical (which includes household cleaning products) a registration number which indicates whether or not it is safe for home AND septic use. You will discover that many everyday household cleaning products have these numbers so be sure to look out for them! Don’t forget that any products that are labelled as being biodegradable or environmentally friendly are fine to use in your home and will not affect the natural balance of your septic tank system.


One of the most common problems encountered with septic tanks is the result of a blockage. The first thing to do is to attempt to source the root of the issue yourself by checking over your home e.g. are the sinks draining properly? Are any plug holes producing foul odours? You can often clear a small blockage with a plunger, but if you’re unsure, it’s best to contact a professional to advise you and fix the issue.

Bathroom Cleaners

Use toilet fresheners and liquids in moderation without affecting the natural balance of your septic tank, and if you use bleach, dilute it and use it very sparingly. We would recommend that you avoid the use of bleach as its job is to kill bacteria. Find a septic-tank friendly alternative, such as Borax or even Baking Soda with vinegar. In addition to this, don’t flush disposable nappies or wet wipes down your toilet. By doing so, you can cause serious drain blockages which can be expensive to remedy. Always dispose of such items in an environmentally friendly way.

Doing The Laundry

When you’re doing the laundry, make sure you use mild detergents, fabric conditioners and washing powders and liquids in moderation. Phosphate-free detergents that produce less suds are best.

Kitchen Cleaners

Believe it or not, kitchen cleaning products containing ammonia are safe for septic system use in small doses but similar to bleach, it should not be used excessively. Any kitchen liquids that could be harmful to your septic tank should be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way too – such as grease and oil. General all-purpose kitchen cleaners and sprays are normally fine to use if you have a septic tank; just make sure you check the label before use.

Household Cleaning

If you’re decorating in your home, it’s not uncommon to chuck your paintbrushes and rollers in the sink to be cleaned. If you have a septic tank – be sure that the paint you’re washing is water-based and NOT oil-based. If it is oil-based, dispose of these items or wash elsewhere. General household cleaning products should be water-based and this information will be easily read and available on the product label.

We hope that you find this information useful. Having a septic tank is not uncommon, especially in more rural areas, and maintaining it is very easy once you know which kind of cleaning products to use and avoid.

Do you know of any specific cleaning products that are septic tank friendly? Let us know and we can share your tips and advice on our blog!

If you have any questions about your septic tank system, we’re happy to help. Feel free to call the MPC Services team on 01773 767612 or email for friendly, no obligation advice.